
I believe in a world where creativity flourishes. All works can be taken for good or for bad, but deserve the right to exist. Difference in perspective is what allows perspective to exist. There can be no right if there is no wrong. I have chosen to share what I can on a CC0 license, to be used and adapted for anything. I share this with the expectation that others will share alike pass it forward and share their work to the world.

Not all work displayed on this site is CC0, refer the details of each item for information.

Digital Media

The world that is untouchable is just as much of a wonder as the one we experience everyday.  

Physical Media

In a place where we are limited by our own abilities to explore. Art work that is physical in nature represents what we perceive more about the world around us.  

Common Love

Roses are red, Violets are Blue, I've got a love letter, written just for you.